Christmas Lights

tyThere’s a cool house down the road from my house here in Petal that’s got a programmed Christmas light show.   You can pull up to their house, turn your car radio to a certain station, listen to the music, and see the lights flash in rhythm to the songs being played.

It’s pretty cool.

I’ve always been a sucker for Christmas lights. I remember as young child that was always one of my favorite things to do, to go with the family and look at Christmas lights.  Loved it then, love it now.  That’s one of the many reasons why I love this time of year.

I thought about that, as I read today’s reading from Job 33: 29-30:

“Behold, God does all these things, twice, three times, with a man, to bring back his soul from the pit, that he may be lighted with the light of life.

I talked yesterday about how God has a plan in all this.  God knows what He is doing and He has a plan, not just for all our lives, but for creation, redemption, and all the world.  I think of that again when I read what it says in Job.  God will bring us back from the pit. And they will be lighted with the light of life.

Even those those words were spoken to Job, who do I think of when I read that?

The one that it talks about in John 1: 4-5:

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Jesus.  He is the light.  He is the light that overcomes the darkness.  He is the light of the world. And He is the light of of lives.

Think about that during Christmas.  Think of that during light shows. Think about during all this time.  Light has come. And that light is Jesus.  Remember.  Remember that.

Light has come.  And light WILL drive out the darkness.


Don’t forget, you can click here to download Asbury’s mobile app and read these devotionals, as well as listen to my sermons on your smart phones.

There is a God

I used to be the token Methodist at the old Baptist Bookstore in Jackson, MS.  Now, Lifeway Christian Store. Anyway, when I was the token Methodist there, I always enjoyed the Christian shirts were used to sell. Some were good, some were pointed, some made you think.

And some were just goofy.

But there was one that we sold that always stuck with me.

On the front it said – There is a God.  And on the back it said, And you’re not it.

I always think of that shirt when I read Job 40 and we see God finally respond to Job and Job’s questions. This is what God says:

6 Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:
7 “Brace yourself like a man,
because I have some questions for you,
and you must answer them.

8 “Will you discredit my justice
and condemn me just to prove you are right?
9 Are you as strong as God?
Can you thunder with a voice like his?
10 All right, put on your glory and splendor,
your honor and majesty.
11 Give vent to your anger.
Let it overflow against the proud.
12 Humiliate the proud with a glance;
walk on the wicked where they stand.
13 Bury them in the dust.
Imprison them in the world of the dead.
14 Then even I would praise you,
for your own strength would save you.

God basically says, Oh yeah?  You think you’ve got it all figured out?  You think you know everything?

What about this? Were you there when I made it all?  Were you there in creation? Can you answer these things?  Do you know it all?  Are you aware of everything.

There is a God.  And we are not it.

You.  Are.  Not.  God.

Relax.  The world doesn’t depend on you.  You are a part of the bigger whole. Everything is not life or death.

Relax. Breathe.  Listen.  Focus.  Look.

God is God.  You’re not.  You don’t have to live with the weight of the world on your shoulders.  You are just one person.

There’s a God bigger than you in control.  Relax.  He will take care you.  He will not leave or forsake you.

He loves you.

Trust in Him today. There is a God bigger than you are I.  Relax. Trust.

Even if it doesn’t look like it, He knows what He’s doing.

