Reflections with Andy – Salty Water – Micah 6: 9-16

The Lord tells the people about the judgment that is coming to them, and it is this judgment. They will have all they want, they will eat, they will save, they will have all of this, but it will never satisfy them. They will have it all, but they will find that this is not going to give them life, and the more they have, the less they are satisfied. Our abundance can be like salty water. The more we drink, the thirstier we are.

Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he’ll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God’s Word.

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Good morning, everyone! It’s a pleasure to be here with you on this beautiful Friday morning as we delve further into the book of Micah. Today, we’ll be concluding our exploration of Micah chapter 6, and we anticipate a few more days of insightful study before we transition to the book of Nahum. Personally, I’m looking forward to our journey through Habakkuk, one of my favorite Minor Prophets. Though we have many more to cover, I’m excited for the discussions and insights that lie ahead in our study.

Let’s turn our attention to Micah chapter 6, verses 9 through 16. The Lord speaks to the city, urging reverence for His name and warning against disobedience. He calls attention to the injustices prevalent in society, condemning dishonesty and exploitation. The rich are accused of violence, and deceit pervades the nation.

As a consequence of their sins, the Lord declares His intention to bring destruction upon them. Despite their abundance, they will find no satisfaction in their possessions. Their efforts will be in vain, and their harvests will fail. Their pursuit of wealth and power has led them astray, and they will face ridicule and scorn from other nations.

Verse 14 and 15 particularly resonate with our modern world. Despite their material wealth, they will remain unfulfilled and unsatisfied. This warning serves as a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of earthly possessions and the emptiness of worldly pursuits.

We, too, often find ourselves chasing after wealth, success, and possessions, only to discover that they do not bring true happiness or fulfillment. Like salty water, they leave us thirstier than before, unable to quench our deepest longings.

In contrast, the Gospel offers us true satisfaction and fulfillment. Jesus is the pearl of great price, the one who satisfies our souls’ deepest desires. When we prioritize our relationship with Him above all else, we find true life and purpose.

As we reflect on our desires and priorities, let us ensure that we are seeking after what truly matters. Let us drink from the living waters of God’s grace and love, rather than the salty waters of worldly pursuits. Only then will we find the satisfaction and fulfillment our hearts long for.

As we approach the weekend, I wish you all a happy Mother’s Day. Though it may be a bittersweet time for some, let us cherish the memories of loved ones and celebrate the gift of family. Have a wonderful day, and I look forward to reconvening with you on Monday morning.

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