Reflections with Andy – Strong Hands – Zechariah 8: 1-17

Today’s passage is full of good stuff. My entire bible is highlighted today. The Lord has a word of hope for us today. He is going to make all things right in His due time. He is going to restore the remnant. He is going to give life where life has been taken, He is going to make all things as they are made to be. We have this HOPE. And if we have hope, we have strong hands to work, to build the kingdom, to work for good. When we have hope, we have strong hands to work. Losing hope is one of the worst things that can happen to us. But because we have Jesus, we have hope. And because we have hope, we can have strong hands.

Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he’ll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God’s Word.

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Good morning! It’s wonderful to be with you on this beautiful Wednesday morning as we dive into the powerful words of the prophet Zechariah. Today, we’re focusing on Zechariah 8:1-17. This passage is filled with incredible promises and hope, and I’m excited to explore it with you.

God’s declaration of jealousy for Zion underscores His deep and passionate commitment to His people. This jealousy isn’t like human jealousy—it’s a fierce, protective love that seeks the best for His people.

 God promises to return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem, transforming it into a faithful city and a holy mountain. The vivid imagery of old men and women sitting in the streets and children playing highlights a restored and peaceful community life.

Even if the promise of restoration seems impossible to the people, God assures them that nothing is impossible for Him. This verse encourages us to trust in God’s power and faithfulness.

God’s promise to gather His people from the east and west and bring them to live in Jerusalem is a powerful image of His protective and gathering nature. He reaffirms the covenant relationship: “They shall be my people, and I will be their God.”

God encourages His people to be strong and not fear, reminding them of the difficult past and contrasting it with the promise of peace, prosperity, and blessing. The command to let their hands be strong is a call to active, hopeful engagement in God’s work.

God declares His purpose to do good to Jerusalem and Judah. He outlines the ethical responses He expects: speaking truth, rendering true judgments, avoiding evil in our hearts, and rejecting false oaths. These actions are essential for living in alignment with God’s purposes.

God’s promises give us hope, even when circumstances seem dire. Just as the people of Zechariah’s time were encouraged to believe in God’s restoration despite their difficult situation, we too can hold onto hope and trust in God’s ability to bring renewal.

We are called to let our hands be strong and not to be afraid. This means actively participating in God’s work with courage and determination, knowing that our efforts are part of His larger plan for restoration and blessing.

Our response to God’s promises should be ethical living. Speaking the truth, seeking justice, and loving what is good are not just personal virtues but communal imperatives that reflect God’s character and bring His kingdom closer.

Zechariah 8:1-17 is a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering commitment to His people and His plans for restoration and peace. As we reflect on these promises, let’s be encouraged to live with hope, strength, and a commitment to the ethical and just ways that God calls us to. Remember, nothing is impossible for God. Let your hands be strong and your hearts be filled with hope.

Thank you for joining me today. Tomorrow, we’ll continue with Zechariah 8:18. Have a blessed day!

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