Reflections with Andy – Community – Zechariah 5: 1-4

We see a vision of judgment today. Those who steal and those who lie are removed from the community. That’s a harsh judgment to be removed from the community. But that is what sin does. The ultimate purpose of our faith is to love God and love our neighbor. Sin destroys that; it destroys our walk with God and with each other. This is why these sins have one being cut off from the community. That’s what sin does. Let’s remember that and think through it. Our sin harms not just us, but it can destroy all of these relationships.

Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he’ll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God’s Word.

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Good morning! It’s great to be with you on this Friday morning. As we’re wrapping up Vacation Bible School (VBS), you might notice I’ll be in more regular attire starting Monday. Next week is going to be a bit challenging as we have the annual conference, which will keep me busy towards the end of the week. I will keep you updated as we approach that time.

Today, we’re picking up with Zechariah chapter 5, where we look at his sixth vision. This vision is brief, only four verses long.

Unlike the previous hopeful visions of forgiveness and restoration, this vision carries a tone of judgment and punishment. The flying scroll, a large and ominous object, represents a curse that spans the entire land, affecting everyone indiscriminately.

The scroll specifies two types of offenders: those who steal and those who swear falsely. According to the vision, these individuals will be cut off from the community. One translation even emphasizes that they will be “removed from the community,” highlighting the severity of their punishment.

In ancient times, being cut off from the community was a severe consequence, akin to being ostracized. For example, people with leprosy were considered unclean and were isolated from the community. They couldn’t participate in daily social activities, visit places of worship, or see their families. Here, however, the isolation is not due to physical uncleanliness but due to moral failings—stealing and lying.

Sin is destructive because it breaks relationships. Jesus taught that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love our neighbors. Sin disrupts these relationships, undermining our connection with God and with each other. Stealing and lying directly harm trust, which is the foundation of any community. Without trust, relationships crumble, and the community disintegrates.

The reason for the harsh punishment of these sins is clear: they strike at the very heart of what it means to live in a community. Imagine trying to coexist with someone who steals from you or cannot be trusted to tell the truth. It’s impossible to build a healthy, functioning community on such a foundation.

As we reflect on this passage, it’s essential to consider the broader implications of our actions. While avoiding stealing and lying might seem obvious, we should also think about how our behaviors affect our relationships. Are we building up our community, or are we inadvertently causing harm?

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Sin aims to destroy our relationships—with ourselves, with God, and with each other. Therefore, we must be vigilant in our actions and words, ensuring that we foster and protect the relationships that define our communities.

Let’s prioritize our relationships and our community, understanding that apart from them, we aren’t truly living. Thank you for being with us today. We’ll pick up with verse 5 of chapter 5 on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend and a happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. See you Monday morning!

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