Reflections with Andy – Clean – Zechariah 3

Today’s reading is full of some good stuff. Some really good stuff. First, we take a little journey down Methodist history and unpack the famous Wesleyan story of John being a “brand plucked from the burning.” Then, we see a powerful image of the high priest Joshua wearing filthy clothes. This English translation doesn’t fully capture what the Hebrew is saying. These are vile, disgusting, human excrement-covered clothes, as filthy as you can imagine. And Satan, the accuser, is showing everyone that. What does God do? Give new, clean, beautiful clothes. You are more than an accumulation of your past mistakes. In Christ, you are new. You are forgiven. You are clean. This is a beautiful and powerful vision of God’s amazing grace.

Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he’ll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God’s Word.

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Good morning! I’m really excited about today’s reading from Zechariah chapter 3. There’s so much rich and powerful imagery here that speaks deeply to our faith and understanding of God’s grace. Let’s dive right in and read the whole chapter, which is just ten verses.

This passage is packed with profound theological significance and powerful imagery. Let’s unpack it together.

In this vision, we see Joshua, the high priest, standing before the angel of the Lord, with Satan at his right hand to accuse him. The Hebrew word for Satan literally means “the accuser,” and he plays this role here by accusing Joshua. This is a vivid depiction of spiritual warfare, with Satan standing ready to point out every fault and failure.

However, the Lord’s response is decisive: “The Lord rebuke you, O Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you!” This rebuke highlights God’s sovereign choice and protection over His people. Joshua, representing the people of Israel, is described as “a brand plucked from the fire,” a phrase with rich Wesleyan resonance, reminding us of John Wesley’s own miraculous rescue from a fire as a child.

Joshua is described as wearing filthy clothes, which symbolize sin and impurity. The original Hebrew text uses a term that conveys the idea of clothes covered in excrement, emphasizing the severity of Joshua’s unclean state. This imagery is graphic and powerful, underscoring the depth of human sin and the need for divine cleansing.

The angel commands that Joshua’s filthy clothes be removed and replaced with festal apparel, symbolizing God’s forgiveness and the transformation that He brings. This act of changing clothes represents the removal of guilt and the bestowal of righteousness. The clean turban placed on Joshua’s head signifies his restored status as high priest, ready to serve God faithfully.

The angel of the Lord assures Joshua that if he walks in God’s ways and keeps His requirements, he will rule God’s house and have charge of His courts. This promise is both a reassurance of God’s grace and a call to faithful obedience.

Verse 8 introduces a prophetic note, pointing to the future coming of “my servant the Branch.” This is a messianic reference, foretelling the coming of Jesus Christ, who will ultimately fulfill God’s promises and bring about the ultimate cleansing of His people.

In verse 9, the Lord declares that He will remove the guilt of the land in a single day. This prophetic promise points forward to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection would accomplish the complete and final removal of sin.

Finally, verse 10 envisions a time of peace and fellowship, where people will invite each other to sit under their vine and fig tree, a biblical image of prosperity and security. This points to the ultimate restoration and peace that will come through God’s redemptive work.

Zechariah 3 offers a powerful message of God’s grace, forgiveness, and restoration. It vividly depicts the transformation that God brings, taking us from a state of utter filth to one of righteousness and holiness. This chapter is a reminder of the profound depth of God’s love and the transformative power of His grace.

Let’s carry this message with us today, remembering that in Christ, we are forgiven, cleansed, and made new. No matter what accusations the enemy may bring against us, we can stand firm in the assurance that we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

I encourage you to reread this chapter and meditate on its powerful truths. Have a blessed day, and I look forward to continuing our study with Zechariah chapter 4 tomorrow. See you then!

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