Reflections with Andy – Joy – Zechariah 8: 18-23

Zechariah continues his joyful words today. We are told that there will be fasting, but it will be joyful. It will be a celebration We are to be joyfully obedient. But then we see that our joy will be infectious. People will grab the people of God by the garment and say, “We will go with you because God is with you!” Isn’t that a beautiful hope and desire that people will know that God is with us and will say, let us go with you! For God is with you! Our joy, our joyful obedience, it is attractive. It will draw folks to Him. Our world needs joy, y’all. There’s enough ugly, enough hate, enough anger. We need joy. And our joy points others to Jesus!

Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he’ll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God’s Word.

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Good morning! It’s wonderful to be with you again as we continue our journey through Zechariah. Today, we’re looking at Zechariah 8:18-23, a passage full of hope and joy. Let’s dive in and see what God has for us today.

God promises to turn the fasts of mourning into seasons of joy, gladness, and cheerful festivals. This transformation symbolizes a profound change from sorrow to celebration. The call to “love truth and peace” emphasizes the importance of living righteously and in harmony with one another.

There is a vision of unity and invitation where people from various cities and nations come together to seek the Lord. This unity is a beautiful picture of the inclusivity of God’s kingdom, where diverse peoples are drawn together by their desire to know and worship God.

The imagery of ten men from different nations grasping the garment of a Jew and asking to accompany him because they have heard that God is with him is powerful. It highlights the attractiveness of God’s presence among His people. When God is visibly at work in our lives, it draws others to Him.

God desires for our times of worship and remembrance to be filled with joy and gladness. While there are moments for solemn reflection and repentance, the overarching theme of our relationship with God should be one of joy. Embrace the joy that comes from knowing and serving the Lord, and let it permeate your worship and daily life.

As believers, our lives should reflect the presence of God in such a way that it draws others to Him. This means living out our faith authentically and joyfully. When people see the difference that Jesus makes in our lives, they will be drawn to explore and experience that same relationship with God.

True joy comes from serving the Lord and others. Reflect on the most joyful people you know; they are often those who give of themselves selflessly. Embrace the joy that comes from serving, knowing that in giving, we receive abundantly.

Zechariah 8:18-23 is a powerful reminder of the joy and hope that God brings. As we embrace joy in our worship, live in truth and peace, and serve others with glad hearts, we become a beacon of God’s presence in the world. Our joyful service and authentic faith can draw others to seek the Lord, fulfilling the vision of people from all nations coming together to worship Him.

Thank you for joining me today. Tomorrow, we’ll continue with Zechariah 9. Have a blessed day!

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