Reflections with Andy – By His Spirit – Zechariah 4

Today, we see one of the most well-known verses in this book of the Bible. When faced with the task of rebuilding everything, the Lord shows this lampstand that will never run out of oil, for the Lord will provide. We are told that the victory is won not by might nor power but by the Spirit of the Lord; that is how the battle is won. One of the greatest blessings we can ever have is a challenge that is so hard that we cannot overcome by our own strength. That is when we have to rely upon the Lord. That is when we have to understand that it is God who wins the battle. Do not rely upon your own strength. Rely upon the Lord. That is how the battle is won!

Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he’ll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God’s Word.

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Good morning! It’s great to be with you on this Thursday morning as we continue our study of Zechariah. Today, we are diving into Zechariah chapter 4, where we encounter the fifth vision Zechariah has seen. This chapter is a significant passage and contains a well-known verse that many of us might recognize.

This passage is rich with symbolism and encouragement. The well-known verse, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6), speaks volumes about the way God accomplishes His purposes.

The vision involves a lampstand, a menorah, symbolizing the light of God that cannot be extinguished. The two olive trees represent the Lord’s provision, continuously supplying oil to keep the light burning. This imagery reassures us that God’s work and presence are constant and enduring, regardless of human effort or opposition.

Zerubbabel, tasked with rebuilding the temple, faces a monumental challenge. The angel’s message emphasizes that the success of this endeavor will not come from human strength or resources but through God’s Spirit. This is a powerful reminder that in our lives, the seemingly insurmountable tasks and challenges we face are not ours to bear alone. God’s Spirit empowers and enables us to accomplish what we cannot do on our own.

In verse 10, the phrase “For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice” speaks to the importance of not underestimating small beginnings. God values and uses these small steps to accomplish His greater plans.

The vision concludes with the identification of the two olive trees as the two anointed ones, symbolizing those chosen by God to fulfill His purposes. This further underscores the theme of divine provision and empowerment.

Today’s reflection reminds us to trust in God’s Spirit rather than relying solely on our strength or abilities. When faced with daunting tasks or challenges, we can take comfort in knowing that it is through God’s Spirit that true and lasting success is achieved.

Let’s carry this message with us today, trusting that whatever challenges we face, it is not by our might or power, but by God’s Spirit that we will overcome. Have a great day, and we’ll continue our study in Zechariah chapter 5 tomorrow. See you then!

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